Getting Dogs Over "The Hump"

Since this blog is rated PG-13, we must approach the current canine problem in a delicate fashion. However, leg humping in dogs is a serious problem that is serious-- seriously embarrassing, that is. . .
After watching commercials during sporting events, I’ve noticed that embarrassing problems are given initials, so from here on out, I am going to refer leg humping as Canine Mounting Behavior-- and we're going to call it 'CMB.'
CMB is usually seen in young puppies. Male or female, this problem behavior is not gender specific. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that CMB isn’t even a sexual behavior in most cases, because these puppies haven’t gone through puberty.
Instead, CMB is a sign of dominance, or ‘ownership,’ as I like to think of it. When a puppy displays CMB on a pillow or toy or another dog or a person’s leg, that puppy is actually saying “I own you.” Left untreated, CMB is not only embarrassing for the owner, but it also creates a bratty dog that thinks that he owns everything and will refuse to respect everyone.
It’s not “puppy love” that is making your dog mount toys, blankets, or your leg.
If your puppy is less than 6 months of age and is displaying CMB, then this most assuredly is a behavior problem and not a sign that she or he is “in love.” Remember, most puppies go through puberty between 8-9 months of age (though it can be as early as 6 months of age in some cases.)
Adult dogs tend to be very forgiving with puppies, and they will tolerate CMB because they realize that young dogs have no manners. However, if you allow the puppy to repeatedly display CMB on the adult dog, then you are actually sending a message that the puppy may be in charge.
The alpha rollover-- used appropriately-- can send a message to a bad dog that he needs to behave!
It is important to correct CMB as soon as it begins, and it starts with a clear, loud, firm “No!” Clapping the hands or providing some other sort of distracting noise can send a message that this behavior is unacceptable. For goodness sake, don’t laugh at the dog, because this just encourages more bad behavior.
Some puppies are so stubborn that we need to place a long leash on them and give a firm tug on the leash whenever he’s being naughty (and say “no.”) Of course, if a puppy continues to “own” a particular pillow or toy, then take it away.
A repeat offender doesn’t deserve to play with the rest of the pack (human or canine), and isolation can be an effective punishment for some dogs, but the puppy must be immediately isolated as soon as the behavior begins.
The alpha rollover-- used appropriately-- can send a message to a bad dog that he needs to behave!
It is important for your dog to respect you and the normal pack order within your household. If a dog keeps displaying CMB with people or dogs, then he doesn’t respect those individuals. In extreme cases, I have had to roll a dominant, misbehaving puppy on his back (just like a top dog would do) in order to teach him that I am the boss and he isn’t.
Don’t expect a dominant puppy to like getting that message—many will try to bite their owner and have a tantrum when being held on his back. You must hold the puppy until he has submitted by no longer struggling or having a tantrum.
When adult dogs engage in CMB with people, it is a very worrisome sign that they don’t respect those people at all. An owner who tolerates CMB in their adult dog actually reinforces the message that the dog is in charge—and that dog will assert his dominance in other ways—often by soiling in the house, refusing to eat dog food, or running away whenever he is called. I don’t recommend rolling adult dogs on their back—unless you have been advised to do so by a dog training professional who knows you and your dog.
Having a pet spayed or neutered (at about 6 months of age) will eliminate a lot of the dominance (ownership) behaviors that we see in intact pets. Even ‘fixed’ dogs have a certain pack order, but they don’t usually need to assert it as much as intact canines. Certainly, if your adult dog is exhibiting CMB, he or she should be fixed (immediately!) and enrolled in obedience classes—both activities will improve your dog’s overall personality, as well as his respect for you and the rules of the household.
Article written by Dr. Jon Klingborg, DVM
Please feel free to distribute this article via all media— all I ask is that you give the author and Valley Animal Hospital credit. You will find Dr. Jon Klingborg at the best veterinary hospital in Merced, California– Valley Animal Hospital. You may reach him at Copyright 2012 by Jon Klingborg.